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Contact us online…

Prescott Surgery have recently invested in a new online patient service. This service is the quickest and simplest way for the majority of our patients to access our clinical team for assistance.

You can find out more here.

Note that our practice phone lines remain open for anyone with accessibility needs who might find difficulty using this online service.

Telephone repeat prescription ordering – closure

As of the 1st May 2023, we will no longer offer a telephone repeat prescription ordering service. The following are alternative ways to to order your repeat prescription:

  • dropping off the paper slip from your existing prescription at the surgery,
  • ordering online via the NHS App or Patient Access (note that to access the Patient Access system, you will need to print out and fill in this form and then bring it to the surgery along with a copy of your photo ID).

See also https://prescottsurgery.co.uk/prescriptions/.

SPLaT-19 study for COVID-19

Please see the information below about a study on the longer term effects of COVID-19 infection in children and young people.

Click the image to enlarge it:

Strep A and Scarlet Fever

We understand there is a lot of concern about Strep A and Scarlet Fever at present. You may find following video useful – but of course you should contact us if you have any concerns: