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Useful Phone Numbers

Main Reception01939 260210
District Nurses01691 663609 Ext 1
Health Visitors0333 358 3654
Out of Hours Medical Assistance111
Royal Shrewsbury Hospital01743 261000
Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Hospital01691 404000
Princess Royal Hospital01952 641222
Wrexham Maelor Hospital01978 291100
Shropshire Nuffield Hospital01743 598039
The Apley Clinic Telford01952 641222
Severn Hospice01743 236565
Community Mental Health Team (Oswestry)01691 679500
Community Mental Health Team (North Shrewsbury)0300 303 3426
Substance Misuse Team01743 294700
RSH Hospital Transport0300 777 0077
Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin ICS01952 580300
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)0800 032 1107